How to Prepare For the Residential Real Estate Exam For Appraiser
Speaking from experience, being well prepared for the residential real estate exam helps get you making more money ASAP. You’ve spent years working with your supervisor appraiser, taking courses, spending money on trainee licensure fees and now you have to spend more money on the exam. Further, you’ll have to wait for the next availability to take this exam. With all that to consider, its incredibly important to pass your exam on the first try. Save yourself time. That time is more costly than spending the money on being prepared.
Preparing for the Residential Real Estate Exam
Invaluable knowledge is provided at exam prep courses. You can find these at some local real estate schools that provide exam prep courses for residential real estate appraisers. I was fortunate enough to have an instructor who provided relevant prep work for the exam that was actually on the test. Having that one-on-one explanation as well as reviewing them in a group setting was a large reason as to how I passed my exam on the first try. Here is what you are going to want to do to make sure you also can pass your test on the first try:
- Sign-up for an exam prep course at a local appraiser school. Sadly there are few so this may require a drive depending on where you are located.
- Setup a date for the state exam after you have completed an exam prep course. This can be done the same day you sign up for your appraiser school course so that little time is wasted in between. You will want to check to see if there is a cancelation policy prior. If time isn’t a concern, wait until you feel comfortable with the course work.
- Purchase an exam prep book. Tackle a few questions a day. This book is a high recommendation because its parsed into concepts that are definitely covered on the exam (Highest & Best Use, Economic Principles, steps in completing adjustments for approaches to value, vocabulary and more). The book covers explanation that is par to the information provided in a traditional course. Spend the day prior to the sample questions and this can keep your brain sharp for exam day.
While an appraiser exam prep book is important, taking a local course helps out tremendously as it covers state specific issues that may appear on the exam. While these questions may be limiting, a good prep course with a local school can really prepare you for the test as well as provide relevant sample test.